Saturday, March 22, 2008


Here are some quotes that I think are thought-provoking.
"When God is knocked out, sin is minimized" - Ravi Zacharias

"When belief becomes hard and struggles becomes great, the tendency is to turn away from God. But the million dollar question in the name of sanity in heaven's name is to what?" - Unknown

"Son, whatever weakens your reasoning, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures
your sense of God or takes away your relish for spiritual things; in short, if anything increases the authority and power of the flesh over the spirit, that to you becomes sin, however good it is in itself" - John Wesley's mother.

"Meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain; meaninglessness comes from being
weary of pleasure" - G K Chesterton

"God whispers to us in our pleasure but shouts to us in our pain" - G.K. Chesterton

"Anything that refreshes you without distracting from or destroying your final goal is a legitimate pleasure" - Ravi Zacharias (What is worthwhile under the sun)

"Any pleasure that jepordizes the sacred right of another person may well be an illegitimate pleasure" - Ravi Zacharias

Any pleasure however good if not kept in balance will distort reality or destroy apetite"
- Ravi Zacharias

Pleasure for pleasure's sake will leave you empty. Pleasure must only be a means. It can
never be an end in itself. - Ravi Zacharias.

"Character is what we are in the dark." - D.L. Moody.

"Whatever a man does without God, in that he must either fail miserably or suceed even more miserably." - George Mcdonald.

"The church should move on its knees seeking God" - Erwin Lutzer.

"One of the reasons that you find people are so driven often times is because they try to cover their emptiness in their lives that they will not face." - Erwin Lutzer

"An opinion is a position you hold with a varied degree of intensity that merely voices your preferences. But a conviction is that which is rooted in your conscience. If you were to toy with your opinions, you are going to jostle with your preferences. If you were to toy with your conviction, you were going to deal with your conscience. And it is pivotal to know that. A conviction that is ungirded by love will make the possesser of them obnoxious and the dogma he possesses repulsive." - Ravi Zacharias

"Sin is violation of a Person - the Person of God" - Ravi Zacharias

"The Cross - The crossroad where justice kissed peace when grace met the truth during the ultimate sacrifice that mankind had ever known."